Security Patrols…improve your business and profits with SmartPatrolTM

Patrols are increasingly being found to be a more cost effective security service compared with manned guarding - at least overnight. Two visits to check the site and then a visit if there is an automated call-out. This balancing of the use of guards and technology enables security businesses to give customers better value for money and grow their margins.

Typically the evening visit will check the premises are vacated and check the alarm is set. After that a call will be triggered by the intruder alarm activation. And then the patrol will be contacted with instructions to investigate....

But what if the alarm has been disabled or bypassed? Or if it is prone to false alarms ?

Then consider using SmartPatrolTM a portable modem alarm with its own sensors and also accepts inputs from intruder alarms, fire alarms and other systems. With built in GSM modem it enables the use of extra detectors off system (e.g. external beams or PIRs in un-alarmed areas or a covert PIR). Then if any activates a text or voice message gives details and enables your patrol to respond. You can switch the system on and off remotely. Also battery back up if power fails.

Ideal for building sites, farms, remote locations, historic homes, holiday homes, luxury houses...

Euronova provides 3 products which assist patrol companies to do their job better and smarter:

SmartPatrol™  - for offices and larger sites enables use of wirefree detectors (also flood and temperature monitoring).

MultiGuard Light - for a more permanent installation with hard wired inputs.



SmartPatrol™ brings security companies to their sensors !


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(Registered Office: The Clock Tower, 5 Farleigh Court, Old Weston Road, Flax Bourton, Bristol BS48 1UR England: 036 26691)

Please note that Euronova cannot accept liability for any harm, damage, losses to persons or objects protected by its products.See Terms and Conditions for more details