GalleryMaster protection at the Science Museum

The temporary exhibition (Titanic Artefacts - London Science Museum) that ran until November 2003 was protected by Euronova's specialist museum security products. The client specified a combination of AntiSnatch Alarms and Euronova's new GalleryMasterâ„¢ system (providing simple and cost-effective display security). 


Clive Stevens, Managing Director of Euronova, says: "I have worked with Clear Channel Entertainment for many years now, providing object protection for all their Titanic exhibitions....

.....across the USA, Europe (Berlin, Paris and now London) and South America".


No alarm bells for the Titanic this time !

Clive is particularly delighted to be working with them in London, since finally he can go and see some of the artefacts his company has helped Clear Channel protect over the years.



Article published with kind permission from Clear Channel Inc and the Science Museum

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